Intervju- ängeln Anna aka Julie McNiven

Verkar som om vi kommer att få en hel del intervjuer under sommaren för att stilla vårt supernatural-abstinens med.

sablegreen från sidan kommer under sommaren att intervjua en hel del av gästskådespelarna från serien och först ut är Julie McNiven som spelade ängeln Anna.

Interview with Julie McNiven
We're only one week into “Supernatural's” long four month summer hiatus and many Super-fans are already feeling separation anxiety.  To hopefully alleviate some of this tension, I will be doing a series of interviews with some of the most talented and beautiful guest stars that have graced our series during the last six years.
We all know the “Supernatural” fandom is the best and most vocal around.  That’s a given.  But how many realize the guest stars are as taken with the series as the fandom is invested with the Winchesters?
When I decided to try for interviews for the summer hellatus, I never expected the response I received.  So many recurring actors and actresses were willing to participate.  I was surprised …and a little panicky at first.  But thanks to the help of other staff writers, Alice Jester, our Editor-in-Chief, and the unending patience and support of Ardeospina, we have a lovely and hopefully entertaining series you all will enjoy.
The first in this series is the lovely, talented and angelic creature, Julie McNiven, who played Anna Milton the rouge but very human angel on “Supernatural”.  Ms. McNiven was sweet enough to take time from her busy schedule to answer some questions about her time on “Supernatural”, her roles on “Fringe”, Mad Men” and “Stargate Universe”, a little about what’s in her future, and a very special interest of her own she wants to share.

In your time on “Supernatural,” you were able to work with some amazing guest stars, as well as the main cast, of course. What was your overall experience like? Are there any particular moments that stand out for you?

Supernatural was a gift.  I only did 6 episodes but my role went through a pretty big arch, giving me the chance to really develop the character.  Working with Jensen, Jared and Misha was always fun.  I would literally laugh all day long.  I think the highlight of that job was the hand to hand combat I did with Amy Gumenick in my last episode.  I loved having fight rehearsals and learning different sequences.  It was very exciting!

I’m sure you are asked this a lot, but what was it like to play a romance scene with Jensen Ackles?

That is definitely the most common question!  Everyone is always so curious if [it] was as romantic as it looks and I don't want to lie, so I have to break the news that, unless you find it romantic to be half naked on top of someone you met a week ago, with about 20 crew guys watching and the director literally talking you through the scene, ('touch his shoulder, now gaze into his eyes' etc) it’s more awkward than anything else.  But Jensen was very protective during that scene, always making sure that I was covered right after 'cut,' and encouraging me to speak up if I felt unsure about anything.


You played basically three different versions of Anna: human Anna, ally angel Anna, and antagonist Anna. Which did you find the hardest to play and why?

I think Antagonist Anna was more challenging because she was not a one toned evil bitch. She once cared very deeply towards Castiel, and the boys, but knows that she has to kill Sam to save the world.  With this kind of obstacle, it gives me a lot to play with.

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