Colin Ford återvänder till SPN
Det kommer troligen att ha namnet: "The Girl Next Door."
Colin Ford kommer att spela Sam som ung (det är han som har spelat Sam som ung i alla de tidigare avsnitten, med flashbacks), vilket betyder att det kommer vara flashbacks till när Sam var 15 år och träffar en tjej vid namn Amy som kommer rädda hans liv och hon vill övertala honom om att rymma iväg med henne.
I nutid kommer Sam att träffa Amy igen och får reda på att hon har ett "normalt" liv med en son och ett jobb.
Avsnittet kommer troligen att sändas 7 oktober.

"Supernatural" begins production on Season 7 in Vancouver in early July -- and reps confirm to Zap2it exclusively that Colin Ford, one of our favorite recurring guest stars, will be returning as young Sam Winchester for the third episode, tentatively titled "The Girl Next Door."
Brock Kelly, who played opposite Ford as young Dean Winchester, is on deck to return for Season 7 as well. Though contracts have not been officially signed, Kelly's reps confirm to Zap2it, "There is a strong possibility that he will return."
UPDATE: Warner Bros. tells Zap2it that Kelly will not be appearing in episode 703. Reps for Kelly tell us that he is in discussions for future episodes.
We're told that the episode involves Sam (Jared Padalecki) having flashbacks to when he was 15 years old, when a girl named Amy saved his life and tried to convince him to run away with her.
In the present day, Sam and Amy meet again, and he finds that she's settled into a "normal" life with a son and a steady job.
The episode, expected to air on October 7, is to be directed by series star Jensen Ackles. It will be the first episode of Season 7 filmed, in order for Ackles to have sufficient prep time. Ackles previously directed fan favorite episode "Weekend at Bobby's" in Season 6.
Ford first appeared as young Sam in Season 3's "A Very Supernatural Christmas." He returned in Season 4's "After School Special" and "When The Levee Breaks," and Season 5's "Dark Side of the Moon." The 14-year-old actor has an impressive resume which includes roles on "Hawaii Five-0," "CSI: Miami," and "Family Guy."
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Intervju: Gabriel Tigerman aka Andrew (Andy) Gallagher
I was extremely happy to receive the reply from Gabriel Tigerman that he would be willing to do an interview for WFB this summer. If any of you have seen him at a Supernatural convention, you already know how hilarious, spontaneous and quick-witted he can be. A master at improvisation, he has so much joy and energy

Gabriel Tigerman, who plays Andrew (Andy) Gallagher on the series, has appeared in two episodes during season two, as one of Azazel’s ‘special’ children. He brings a lot of his own personality to the role, including sensitivity, intelligence, love and respect for people, and a bit of Andy’s naivety.
I say ‘plays’ on the series because, while Andy died in his last episode, no one is REALLY dead on “Supernatural.” And as Gabriel himself points out at conventions, his remains were never ‘salted and burned’, so his reappearance is still a possibility. Besides, this is “Supernatural,” no one stays dead here.
Mr. Tigerman shares with us his insight into and love for Andy, how he acquired the role, his love for the impala, some behind-the-scene fun with Jared and future ventures for him and his wife, Kathryn Fiore.
Gabe Tigerman is a delight for fans of all age groups whether at a convention, a personal appearance or an interview. I hope you all have as much fun reading his interview as I did.
“Supernatural” fans love hearing about what it’s like on set and what happens when the cameras aren’t rolling. Are there any particular moments that stand out for you?
I remember meeting Jared’s dogs one morning on the way to set. He let

You originally auditioned for a part in “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things.” What was that part and how did you get cast as Andy Gallagher instead?
I don’t remember the name of the part, but it was a guy who re-animates his girlfriend. It doesn’t end well for him. I recall her popping up from the back seat of his car and snapping his neck. He clearly didn’t read “Pet Cemetery”.
That was my first audition for “Supernatural”. I left the audition convinced I was going to book the part. I was wrong. I did, however, get a call a week later to come back in to read for the part of “Andy Gallagher”, the loveable, mind-controlling stoner. And the rest was history!

There was one line in the episode that I thought was the most telling for Andy. And Tim Iacafano, the director, agreed that it was the key to the character. Sam asks Andy why, if he has these amazing mind control powers does he live in a van. Andy’s response: “I’ve got everything I need.” Andy’s a simple, sweet guy and I wanted to bring that…and a green, silk dragon kimono.
Andy was one of the more endearing characters on “Supernatural.” Other than being eviscerated and left for dead, is there anything you would have liked to change in your character?
Other than the ability to fight off little demon girls, there isn’t really anything I would change about Andy. He’s really one of the most fun characters I’ve had the pleasure of playing. Wait! I know! I would have made it so Andy’s evil twin was an IDENTICAL twin. That way I could have played both parts AND shot myself. And maybe the evil twin would’ve had a mustache. THEN it would have been the perfect part!

When you drove the Impala, were you able to really take off and drive around or were there a lot of restrictions placed on the driving? Which would you rather own, the Impala or Andy’s Barbarian Queen van?
I hadn’t seen enough of the show to know exactly how significant the Impala was, but as soon as I was given the keys, I saw how immediately nervous everyone got. I topped out at about 10 miles per hour.
In a fantasy world, I’d pick the van and drive cross-country going on wacky adventures. In real life, though, you gotta go for the Impala. I mean, come on. It’s the Impala!
If you had Andy's powers, would you tell anyone or would you keep it a secret?
You definitely gotta keep something like that on the D.L. or the government will show up at your door and you’ll get whisked off to someplace that’s not on any maps where they’d perform scientific experiments on you in order to harness your powers for military use. This scenario most likely ends in a brutal and thorough autopsy. No good.
Were you informed of Andy’s untimely demise beforehand or did you find out when you read the script for “All Hell Breaks Loose?”

Oh yes. I was told beforehand. I ran into the casting associate at a film festival a couple of weeks before shooting. She’d had a couple of chardonnays and she ran up to me and excitedly declared “You TOTALLY die in the next episode!”
You have attended many “Supernatural” conventions, most recently San Francisco this year. Your talks are a riot. Do you have any special moments from a con you would be willing to share? Also, there are a number of videos on YouTube of you singing at the Karaoke parties. Do you like doing the Karaoke and Dessert events?
First of all, thank you. Second of all, I think the talks are my favorite part of the con. It’s like one long, interactive, improv game where we all get to know each other a little better and I get to answer questions like the poster child for A.D.D.
As far as the karaoke parties go…Me singing is something that I regret inflicting upon anyone, let alone the World Wide Web. I apologize to anyone who was harmed by listening to my rendition of The Proclaimers’ “500 Miles”. I also apologize to The Proclaimers for my rendition of “500 Miles”.
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Jensen i skrivar studion!
Assistenten Rebecca Desertine delade med sig av en bild på sig själv tillsammans med Jensen och den bok som hon har skrivit.

Första bilden från s.7
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Jensen pratar om säsong 6
Jared tackar fansen
Utöver äran så har han även gjort en intervju med siten:

When we nominated 10 up-and-comers in our TV Stars We Wanna See Become Movie Stars poll, we weren't expecting the deluge of support from fans of "Supernatural" star Jared Padalecki. But after talking to Padalecki -- the winner of the poll with a remarkable 51 percent of the votes -- we realize that... maybe we should have.
"I guess the reason so many people voted is because 'Supernatural' has such a rabid following," Padalecki explains. "They're really supportive of me. I wouldn't have that following if it weren't for 'Supernatural.'"
"Thanks a million," he tells fans. "That makes me feel really good, really flattered. I don't know what to say, that's huge. Really cool."
In honor of the big win, NextMovie talked to Padalecki about his Hollywood plans and more.
If you do make the jump to movies, are there any roles you're shooting for?
I want to do everything. There's a book that I read, really a great book -- it's called "Lone Survivor" and I think they're trying to make it into a movie. I would love to play Marcus Luttrell, who was the author and the "lone survivor." He's a national hero; he's very courageous and heroic in insurmountable danger, so it's something I'd love to explore. And being involved in – what, three wars, right now? The U.S? — it's easy to sit here and worry about rats in my vents and wisdom teeth being pulled.* Meanwhile, there are a lot of people who don't have running water and… [there are men and women] fighting for our freedom. I'm really grateful for that and I’d love to explore that on screen.
Long story short, I see movies all the time that I'd love to be in.
Anything you've seen recently?
A lot of the movies I'd like to be in, I haven't been right for yet. The first one that comes to mind (because I just watched it again) is "Inglorious Basterds." It was such an awesome movie, such great acting. And actually, my father's a big war buff , so I became a big war buff -- anything having to do with World War II, I'd love to be a part of. I'd love to do a war movie in some way, shape or form.
I'd love to do a comedy. I'm terrified of comedy. I don't think I'm funny, but I guess that's why it's so thrilling.
Is there a particular actor whose career you'd really love to mirror?
Yeah, I really like Tom Hanks' career. It's hard not to like his career. There are a lot of actors that I really love to watch, actors who I have fun watching -- I think Johnny Depp is phenomenal. But I wouldn't want that career as much as I'd like a career like Tom Hanks -- he kind of represents the everyman. It's difficult to watch a movie with Tom Hanks and not feel like you're experiencing with him as much as watching him. I lean towards him. And everything I've heard from people in the business is that he's a really genuine, respectable, grateful guy. I'd love to work with him as much as someday have a career like his.
Would you ever consider leaving "Supernatural" if the right role popped up at the wrong time for your shooting schedule?
I wouldn't. I'm a Texas guy, and the good and bad of that is that I'm always, first and foremost, loyal. If it weren't for "Supernatural," I wouldn't have a lot of the blessings that I have today, so I'm going to play it out. I'm going to give it my all. I'll be with the cast and crew for the remainder, as long as the fans want us on the air and the network obliges.
I'd love to have a movie career. I'm still pretty young. I'm not going to be 29 for another month. So if the show goes another year, I'm 30. If it goes for five years, I'm 34. I think I'm hopefully in the dawn of my career, not in the dusk, so I think I'd be happier sticking it out with "Supernatural."
Who is your TV star you want to see make it big in movies?
There's a buddy of mine who I think is really talented — Zachary Levi. On "Chuck," obviously, he plays Chuck. I'm a big fan of him as a person. I think he's a really nice, cool guy. He's really funny. He's fun to be around and I think he'd be fun to see on the big screen. Maybe he and I, we'll grow together.
Don't let this influence your answer, we talked to Alexis Bledel and she totally said yes -- but if they came to you with a solid script, would you still do a "Gilmore Girls" movie?
One hundred percent. I would love to. I really would truly love to. It was so fun. I have nothing but fond memories of that show. I came to it straight out of high school, I grew up on the show, and I'd love to go revisit that character.
That's one of the fun things, about a TV show like "Gilmore Girls" or "Supernatural" -- you get these really passionate followers that put you in the lead in awesome polls like this. And someday maybe you get to go revisit them on the big screen. Maybe that would be a nice way to appease the people who were nice enough to vote for me.
Oh, on that note, can I make a shameless plug?
I just got a Twitter two weeks ago. I finally made the plunge and got a Twitter. I was going to do @jaredpadalecki, since that's my name, but that's already taken. I guess there are several Jared Padaleckis out in the world, so I'm actually @jarpad. That’s the real me.
* These are the real details of Padalecki's bad week - wisdom tooth removal and a rat problem -- and the reasons why he's especially grateful for your votes.
Mer info om Jensen som regissör.
Då var det avsnittet 6x02 - "Weekend at Bobby's". Denna gången kommer Jensens avsnitt att bli nummer 3 i säsongen, men precis som förra året så kommer de att spela in avsnitt först, så att Jensen har tid på sig att förbereda sig.
Enligt Jareds tweets så kommer de att börja spela in om en sådär 2 veckor och han har precis fått manus till de två första avsnitten. Härligt, härligt ;)
"Supernatural" star Jensen Ackles got his first taste of life behind the camera in Season 6, when he directed the fan favorite episode "Weekend at Bobby's." Ackles will return to the director's chair in early July when the cast and crew returns to Vancouver to begin work on Season 7.
Though Ackles' episode is the first one that the "Supernatural" gang will shoot this summer, it will actually air as the third episode of the season, The CW confirms to Zap2it. The shooting order of the episodes was shifted in order to allow Ackles reasonable time to prepare. (The episode schedule was similarly rearranged last season to accommodate his directorial debut.)
Speaking of prep time -- judging by a tweet from Ackles' co-star, Jared Padalecki, they're cutting it closer than expected this year. "T-minus two weeks to shoot and I JUST got the first two scripts?" he wrote. "Who wants a copy? Please send fax numbers ;)"
(He wasn't kidding -- one lucky fan checked her fax machine to find the cover page of the script, with a personal note in the margins.)
Last season, Ackles directed an episode that focused heavily on Jim Beaver's character, Bobby -- meaning Ackles didn't have to spend too much time directing scenes that he also acted in. This season, he may not have that luxury! We're sure to hear much more about his second crack at directing at Comic-Con, where Ackles and Padalecki will headline the largest "Supernatural" panel that the convention has ever seen on Sunday, July 24.
The episode is written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin, who also wrote "Weekend at Bobby's."
Säsong 7 - 23 September
Det är nu bekräftat att säsong 7 kommer att börja sändas den 23 september i USA, på kanalen CW, enligt utsago från kanalen själva:
"“Nikita” and “Supernatural” Return With All New Episodes Friday, September 23"
Säsong 6 DVD detaljer
Säsong 6 som har fått releasedatumet 13 september i USA (inget datum i Sverige än) kommer bl.a innehålla följande:
- A special feature about Jensen Ackles’ directorial debut with “Weekend at Bobby’s”
- A feature with the cast and crew talking about souls, since, you know, it’s all about the souls
- Commentaries from Sera Gamble, Robert Singer and Ben Edlund on the fairy episode “Clap Your Hands If You Believe” and the super meta episode “The French Mistake” (hopefully they talk about what exactly Octocobra is)
- Two episodes of the Supernatural animated series from Japan, though you can purchase the complete anime series on July 26
Det kommer troligen även att komma med ett gag reel.
Något ni ser speciellt fram emot att få se ur DVDn?källa
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Ask Ausellio
Ask Ausellio har återigen gett oss några svar på fansens frågor. Denna gången är det om det kan bli något mer avsnitt liknande "The French Mistake" som vi såg i säsong 6.
Question: Do you know if there are any plans for Supernatural to do another meta-ish episode next season? Or was last season’s “The French Mistake” the last one? —Annie
Ausiello: Sounds like the fourth wall will come crumbling down yet again. “We have not put the kibosh on meta,” insists exec producer Sera Gamble. “It’s completely about somebody pitching a story that would work for us.” Gamble acknowledges that “The French Mistake” — in which Sam and Dean were transported to an alt-reality where they were “Jared Padalecki” and “Jensen Ackles,” the stars of a TV series called Supernatural — will be tough to top. “We set a pretty high bar,” she concedes. “But hey, I thought we were never going to be able to do meta again long before ‘The French Mistake.’ And then that got pitched, and we had to do it, of course. I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point in Season 7 or beyond, someone pitches something that enables us to do a fun episode like that again.”
Jared pratar om säsong 6
Jensen & Danneel på CMT Music Awards
Intervju: Lindsey McKeon aka Tessa
The second in the series of guest star interviews is the lovely and talented Lindsey McKeon who is best known to us as the sensitive but very savvy reaper, Tessa who has appeared in three episodes of the “Supernatural” series…so far. I say ‘so far’, because Tessa is one of the few characters that is still

How did you get the role of Tessa? Were auditions held for the role or were you contacted?
I first auditioned for the role of Tessa years ago in LA. For the last two episodes they've called and asked for my availability, explaining that they were interested in writing Tessa into an upcoming script.
Tessa appears to have been inspired from the character, Death, in Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" comic books. Were you aware of this before you accepted the part? Did it influence the way you prepared for the role?
Unfortunately I've never read comic books… Well, that's a lie,
During “In My Time of Dying,” Tessa has three personas: a young woman, a Reaper, and eventually Azazel. Which was the most difficult to portray?
Probably Azazel because it wasn't me…
The episode's pivotal scene in which Tessa explains to Dean the difficult choice of either coming with her or remaining trapped in limbo as an angry spirit is one of the most powerful moments of the story. What was it like to prepare for, rehearse and shoot the scene?
With a scene like this, and as an actor, it's my responsibility and joy to delve into the character as deeply as I can.
After your debut back in “In My Time of Dying”, were you surprised to be asked to reprise your role in season four's “Death Takes a Holiday” and last fall’s “Appointment at Samarra?”
I think I'm always pleasantly surprised when I get a call to "come back" as Tessa or anybody else... With this business, you never know if your last job was in fact, your last job. So yes, it's always a blessing!
You've shared most of your scenes on the show with Jensen including a kiss. What is it like working with him?
I love working with Jensen. He's easy to work with, fun and good at his job!

In "Death Takes a Holiday," Tessa seemed to develop a soft spot for Dean and was very gentle and caring towards him. Was that sensitivity something you consciously did yourself or something the script already called for?
I think there's always a sensitivity that Tessa has, it's just whether or not it's appropriate to be used to get her job done. Tessa always has a mission to accomplish, and completing that task -to her- is the most important thing. In “Death Takes a Holiday” she's working with a child, naturally that brings up a softer side.
While Tessa was more sympathetic towards Dean in the first two episodes, she seemed more upset towards him in “Appointment in Samarra.” Did your approach to the role change when you realized this time, Tessa was to be the right-hand for Death?
No, I don't believe that realizing Tessa was death's right hand woman had anything to do with the approach I took. If in any way it did, it was only to take my "job" even more seriously.
Tessa was a bit more stern with Dean in this episode, like a parent is at times with their child, and she did what she needed to do in order to inspire him. To get him to stop playing around and to take what they were doing seriously. After all, it was Dean who asked for this lesson...
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Säsong 7 inspelning
Säsong 7 kommer att börja spelas in den 6 juli, 2011 och kommer att avslutas den 21 mars, 2012.
Jensen kommer dock att åka upp till Vancouver tidigare, redan 25 juni beräknas han vara där, för att förbereda sig för att vara regissör för avsnitt 7x02. Som kommer att spelas in först. Precis som förra året.
Ask Ausellio svarar på spn frågor
Question: Can you please interview Misha Collins about his reduced Supernatural role next season? My life may depend on it. —Marcia
Ausiello: We tried, but the dude’s not talking. Perhaps he wants to lay low until the storm passes — assuming it does, in fact, pass. “We have passionate fans,” acknowledges exec producer Sera Gamble. “We have fans that have strong opinions about a lot of things that happen on the show. People ask me if I’m worried about a fan backlash [in the wake of Collins' demotion]. We just want to tell a good story and not be redundant and bring you interesting stories that are fresh. Going into Season 7, we have a new, interesting story that we want to tell to you. That’s what’s front of mind right now.”
Question: Now that Misha Collins is no longer a regular on Supernatural, any chance Jim Beaver will get a much-deserved promotion? —Joel
Ausiello: Doesn’t sound like it. “We have a fantastic relationship with Jim,” says Gamble. “We bring him in as the story demands it. He’s basically a fixture on the show as necessary.”
Jared på Twitter
Promobilder säsong 7

Monopol fast i Supernatural-style. Det är gjort av ett fan, väldigt ambitiöst måste jag säga.
Klicka HÄR för att skriva under en namninsamling för att få spelet att komma med i official Supernatural Merchandise, så att vi fans kan få möjlighet att köpa spelet.
Skulle så jättegärna vilja ha det! :)
Intervju med Todd Stashwick
Supernatural Ryssland har gjort en intervju med Todd Stashwick. Todd spelar Dracula i avsnittet; "Monster Movie."
Could you tell us something about yourself so the Russian fans could get to know you better?
I’m a huge fan of Charlie Chaplin, actually Chaplin is my son’s middle name. I love Coney Island. I love horror and Science Fiction. Soul Coughing is one of my favorite bands.
How would you describe yourself?
I’m a family man that likes to act, tell stories, surf and play video games.
Why did you choose to be an actor?
At a very young age I enjoyed making people laugh. Acting was a way to make a living at something I already loved doing.
Are you from an acting family?
How did you first hear about “Supernatural”?
Saw a commercial for it on TV.
How did you end up auditioning for this show?
My manager called and asked if I could look and sound like Bela Lugosi. She said Supernatural is casting the role of Dracula. I said that sounds like fun.
You were simply fantastic in the “Monster Movie” episode of “Supernatural”. What was the worst complication during the filming of “Supernatural”?
My biggest worry was catching my cape on the wheels of the vespa and choking myself.
Most difficult scenes to shoot?
Fight scenes are always tricky. If you saw the bloopers from that episode you’ll notice Jensen and I had a mis-hap.
Your favorite moments in this episode?
I loved walking around the set also the scene where I’m going to electrocute Jensen was fun. The pizza scene was fun too.
Could you share with us any funny stories that happened with you on the set of Supernatural”, maybe funny bloopers?
Jensen and I laughed alot. We were both dressed ridiculously.
At one point we were doing a scene where I was about to bite his neck. I have these fangs and I look at him and said “We are both grown men.” He busted up.
Having worked for this show, you got to know main leads Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. Please tell us your impressions about them. Jensen once said in an interview that he’s better in comedies. It seems Jared thinks otherwise about himself. If you had an opportunity to work in one project with Jared or Jensen, who do you prefer for a comedy? And for a drama?
They are both great, easy going guys. I loved working with them. I had done a pilot with Jared years ago. It was drama. He was a kid, like 17, he was great back then. I’d work with both of them again anytime in any capacity. They are both talented guys who can flow from comedy to drama with ease.
As we know you and Jensen Ackles worked together in “Dark Angel” season 2, episode “Boo”. Please tell us about that time. Your character Sally is pretty weird even for “Dark Angel” people. I’m sure there were a lot of funny moments on the set those days. Did you talk to Jensen about working on “Dark Angel” during “Supernatural” filming?
I don’t think we worked on the same episode of Dark Angel. In fact I didn’t even know he was on that show till after I did Supernatural. I worked mainly with Jessica Alba and Kevin Durrand.
From various interviews, we know that Jared and Jensen like to play pranks on set. Have you been one of their victims? If yes what about payback? Have you ever prank your colleagues on other sets?
They never pranked me. I’m sure it was out of fear of retribution. I’m kidding.
Do you prefer to play keeping strictly to the scenario or are you one of those actors who is always eager to contribute to the character image? We heard that Jensen Ackles, for example, contributes his own ideas to the script during the actual filming, and that these ideas often blend in successfully with the big picture. Has it ever happened with you in “Monster Movie”?
As far as Monster Movie goes they let me really do my own thing. the director, Bob Singer, really trusted me and gave me a whole lot of room to play. I never change the words. The scripts are always great. When I was on the Riches, I was a series regular and was in a very collaborative place with the writers.
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