Det blir en säsong 7!

Japp, det blir en 7 säsong och Jensen (Dean) kommer även att regissera ett avsnitt. Han regisserade ett avsnitt i säsong 6; "Weekend at Bobby's" och fick mer smak på det och kommer nu alltså att regissera avsnitt 7x02.

Inspelningen av säsong 7 börjar den 6 juli.

Vad tycker ni om att Jensen ska regissera ännu ett avsnitt? Tyckte ni om det förra avsnittet, som ju var Bobby-centrerat?

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Första trailern till säsong 6


Första riktiga trailern till säsong 6 av Supernatural är äntligen HÄR!!

Klicka HÄR för att se videon.

Supernatural Trailer - Extended Preview

Observera att denna trailer innehåller spoilers om sista avsnittet av säsong 5.


Supernatural säsong 7?

Både One Tree Hill och Supernatural kan komma att utökas med ytterligare en säsong vardera enligt VD:n för The CW; Dawn Ostroff. Supernatural fick en sjättesäsong trots att skaparen Eric Kripke har sagt att det endast skulle bli fem säsonger. Iochmed detta trodde många fans att Supernatural’s femte säsong skulle bli den sista, men under säsongens gång så blev det uppenbart att det pratades om en sjätte säsong och VD:n Ostroff bekräftade detta och bad om att få en ny säsong.  Skådespelarna Jensen Ackles och Jared Padalecki kommer att komma tillbaka  i den sjättesäsongen och Kripke kommer fortfarande att vara involverad i den nya säsongen, redan nu ser det ut som om The CW ser utöver säsong sex.  På den senaste press-turnén sa Dawn Ostroff att The CW var hoppfull och ganska säker på att Supernatural kommer att komma med en sjunde säsong.

“Everybody on the show feels there’s a lot of juice left in the characters. We hope it goes on for more than one season” Dawn Ostroff citerad på Entertainment Weekly


Jared & Jensen pratar om Säsong 6

Texten innehåller spoiler för säsong 6, så har ni inte sett hela säsong 5 och ni INTE vill veta vad som kommer att hända så bör ni INTE läsa vidare.

Zap2it caught up with the Winchester boys at Comic-Con in San Diego and had the chance to talk to them about Season 6, which starts one year after the Season 5 finale. Ackles' character, Dean, has spent the last year as a defacto stepfather to his girlfriend Lisa's son.

"It's definitely a unique color for him, you know? Driving a pickup truck to the construction site and having dinner and falling asleep in a normal bed," Ackles says. He wasn't surprised to find that Dean took that direction. "I think there was always a piece of Dean that wanted to make an effort to live a normal life, and [Lisa] was the closest thing that he had to that."

"I think that's really what he was hung up on, was the idea of what she could bring him. And, you know, she's not unattractive," he adds.

Ackles' upcoming directorial debut, which just wrapped production in Vancouver. "It's something that he's passionate about; he's always been interested in it," Padalecki says. "He's one of my best friends, so it was cool to be like, 'Cool man, I'm glad you got your opportunity this year. What do you want from me?'"

"It was definitely a unique experience," Ackles says. "I've never looked at a script the way I had to look at the one that I direct. As an actor you just look at it and make decisions on your character. I was having to make decisions on every word, on every page. It's a lot to think about. It's a lot of homework, a lot of decisions to make. You're the Captain of the Problem-Solving Squad."

Padalecki had the easy job: "It was like making a movie with your best buddy," he says. "It's like making home videos or something."

As Captain of the Problem-Solving Squad, Ackles couldn't live the comfortable life of an actor. "Any problem that ever happens while we're filming, as an actor, I'm like 'Eh, I don't get paid for that.' I can just walk away and let people deal with it who do. Now it was me having to deal with all that."

Padalecki wasn't envious of Jensen being in charge. "I'm not jealous, actually," he tells us. "I don't think it's for me. It's kind of daunting for me, it's almost like if somebody told me to write. I'm not a writer, I'm an actor. I'm happy being in front of the camera, as an actor at least."

We asked both stars what their favorite thing about the others' character is, but they preferred to talk about what they don't like. "My least favorite thing is how tall [Sam] is," Jensen joked.

"He's bossy," Jared added. "Dean is bossy."

This season, things will change. "It's a different Sam this season," Padalecki says, "So Sam is kind of the bossy one this season. Sam's kind of like 'I've got the answers, I was in hell, and I was Lucifer, so just follow my lead.' I get to play the big brother a little bit."

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