Nya promobilder för säsong 8

Lagom till att avsnitt 8x01 släpps i natt svensk tid, så har The CW släppt 3 nya promobilder för säsong 8.
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Fem saker om "We Need To Talk About Kevin"

"Sam breaks one of the great rules of the Impala. Sam has restored and fixed the Impala, but there is one thing he does in the car during Dean’s absence that he gets a particular lecture for.

The dialogue is witty. Jeremy Carver returns to the series as showrunner this time, and he throws in some great one-liners, not just coming from Dean. The mixture between seriousness and light really works.

Allies in Purgatory. Dean meets a new ally in Purgatory named Benny who is quite an interesting individual. Benny offers Dean an alliance — but is he to be trusted? Castiel, on the other hand, goes unseen.

The focus is on the brothers. While characters like Kevin do factor into the events, Sam and Dean — and their brotherly relationship — are front and center. We learn why Sam left hunting behind, and we see Dean’s reaction to that."

All in all, “We Need To Talk About Kevin” looks like a return to form for the show. Although the experiences of Sam and Dean affect their current behavior, it seems like something that they will grow past, whereas past plotlines like “soulless Sam” seemed to go on a little bit longer than needed. There is an arc, and a journey, but also an opportunity for hope. I think this is going to be a good season.


Intervjuer med Jared & Jensen

Intervjuer med Jared och Jensen om säsong 8.
Spoilers kan förekomma.

Spoiler säsong 8

Det här säger Jared om Sam's nya förhållande:

“The relationship between Sam and Amelia, which I really enjoy, is done in retrospect,” he tells us. “It’s sone mostly in flashbacks. We will get into it in the season, a real-time relationship; but I’ve kind of been not petitioning in the literal sense of the word, but vocal about ‘guys. I love when shows will go back and show what’s happened,’ and I’ve loved the episodes of Supernatural that have done it, like ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer.’ I’ve loved episodes that have gone back in time and told a cool story that you can’t tell in the present tense as well as you can tell in reflection,” he says.


“So we see a lot of Sam and Amelia in flashbacks, which is nice, because we all see Dean and what he kind of did in his flashbacks,” Jared continues. “They’re very opposite sides of the coin, where one guy is happy and content and living a quote ‘Supernatural Winchester normal life,’ and the other is in Purgatory, fighting for his life. So we see Sam and Amelia develop this relationship; they’re both misfits, they’re both going through a loss, and they’re both not outcasts so much, but they’re brought together by a bizarre set of extenuating circumstances, and they find each other in each other’s arms, in each other’s minds, and say ‘this is good, what we’ve got. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? Let’s just kind of go with it’.”


Jared wasn’t sure that this new storyline would work when he initially heard about it. “At first, maybe I’ve become like a fangirl of the show, but I was like ‘A GIRL? FOR SAM? WHAT’S HE DOING?’ But as I’ve learned about the relationship, I was so happy to explore that role, and that character. Sam, from the get, has been hoping to reinvent himself as the person that he always thought he was, which is kind of backwards-speak. But he was the one who, in the pilot, wanted to stay in the college. He was at Stanford, hoping for his test scores to come back. He’s always fought for the normal life, and he’s always fought for the relationship, not always to his credit. He’s made some wrong turns. But we basically find out, in retrospect, what’s happened. As the show opens, the relationship’s in the past, but it’s still on Sam’s mind,” he says.


The return of Dean will bring an end to Sam’s new life, and going back to a hunter’s life might not be the top thing on Sam’s mind. “He’s not willing,” Jared says. “I think Sam, in this season, is different than Sam in other seasons where Dean was in Hell, or when Sam was in Hell. Usually when they’ve been split up, there’s been the impetus of ‘my brother’s in trouble. I’ve got to save him. I’ve got to help him. He’s got to help me. He’s got to save me.’ But here, Sam is like ‘you know what? [Everyone's gone]. I’m going to take off the hunter garb, and just live a normal life, because I have nothing tying me back’,” he says.


Amelia is in flashback for most of the first third of Season 8, though Jared does tell us we will see her in the present day as well. “Sam certainly hasn’t written her off. Sam’s not BS-ing when he says to Dean and Cas ‘I want out. I’ve been out, and my heart is not here. I’m doing this to make good on my commitments, but my heart’s elsewhere.’ So we do see Amelia in the present tense, but we do kind of play with present tense and past tense, which I’m really excited about,” he says.


Beskrivning av 8x03 “Heartache”

The CW har nu släppt beskrivningen för 8x03 “Heartache”, vilket är det avsnitt som Jensen har varit regissör för.
Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate a string of unusual murders where the victims were all recipients of organs from the same donor. The killer is captured, but things become even more complicated when the brothers find their killer in a trance mumbling an ancient prayer.
Avsnittet kommer att visas 17 Oktober i USA.

Jensen on set - 27/9-12

Snart dags för sängen, men först ger jag er några bilder på Jensen från inspelningensplatsen. Dessa ska vara tagna idag 27/9.

Supernatural artikel

En ny artikel om Supernatural säsong 8 så skriver de om vad vi kan förvänta oss att få se. Vilket är följande:
  • säsong 8 kommer att starta med att det har gått 1 år sedan Dean skickades till skärselden med Castiel och Dean är nu tillbaka på jorden, tillsammans med en ny vän, blodsugaren Benny, som hjälpte honom att ta sig ut ifrån skärselden
  • I tillbaka blickar genom hela säsongen så kommer vi att få reda på vad som hände i skärselden och med Castiel som är kvar där
  • Vi får även reda på att Sam har satsat på att försöka sluta att jaga och i stället få ett liv tillsammans med en kvinna vid namn Amelia
  • För att försöka återförenas så ger dem sig av tillsammans för att hitta profeten Kevin, som har lyckats att komma ur Crowleys klor
  • Kevin har kunskap som leder bröderna in på en mycket större jakt, nämligen att en nyckel som kan låsa in alla monster i helvetet
  • Men det är inte allt som de kommer att göra, i några av de fristående avsnitten så kommer vi att få se mayagudar, "Blair Witch" - foton och vampyrer som tycker om att åka båt.

Svar på kommentar

Tyvärr så vet jag inte när säsong 8 kommer att sändas i Sverige. Jag har alltid följt serien i Amerikansktakt, då svenska kanaler allt ändrade tider och sånt, vilket jag tyckte var ganska jobbigt.
Ärligt talat så vet jag inte ens vilken säsong som visas på kanal 5 just nu, om det ens visas. Jag vet att det har varit sent på natten.
Det är nog bara att hålla ögonen öppna i tv-tablåer och liknande, för om kanal 5 skriver något om det.
Om du inte orkar vänta tills dess så kan du ju alltid se avsnitten via bloggen, då vi troligen kommer att lägga upp länkar till olika sidor där ni kan se avsnitten efter att de sänts i USA.
Vi har fått ett svar från Alice som säger följande:
Så nu vet ni som tittar i Svensktakt att ni kan markera era kalendrar med 7 Oktober. Vilket ju bara är 4 dagar efter när det sänds i USA. ;)
Jag har nu kollat upp detta lite närmare och det verkar tyvärr inte som om denna information gäller. Då kanal 5 skrev detta 28 september 2011. Vilket är nästan ett år sedan och 7 Oktober infaller INTE på en fredag i år utan på en söndag. Så tyvärr är vi nog tillbaka där vi började med att vi helt enkelt inte vet när det kommer att sändas på kanal 5.
Sorry guys.

Bilder från 8x02 “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”

Vi har redan fått bilder från avsnitt 8x02.
Det visar sig även att bilden på Dean som vi trodde var från avsnitt 8x01, visar sig vara från 8x02.
Detta avnsitt kommer att sändas 10 Oktober i USA.
Både Castiel och Crowley verkar vara tillbaka. Vad tror/tycker ni om det?

Kanadensisk trailer för 8x01

Den kanadensiska kanalen CHCH har kommit ut med en trailer till avsnitt 8x01 “We Need To Talk About Kevin”.
 Det ser väldigt intressant ut, eller vad säger ni?

Första klippet från 8x01

 Det börjar dra ihop sig nu gott folk. Vi har ÄNTLIGEN fått det första klippet från säsongspremiären.

TV Guide Magazine scan

Supernatural finns med i TV Guide Magazine för 24 - 30 September.
En liten artikel med spoilers för den kommande säsongen.

Beskrivning av 8x02 “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”

Avsnitt 8x02 “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” kommer att handla om följande:
MRS. TRAN JOINS SAM AND DEAN ON THE ROAD — Kevin (guest star Osric Chau) talks Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) into checking in on his mother (guest star Lauren Tom). When they arrive, they see that Crowley (guest star Mark Sheppard) has surrounded her with demons so they rescue her and take her along on their quest to find the tablet. However, they soon discover Kevin wasn’t kidding when he said his mother was a strong-willed woman after she tries to take on Crowley.
Avsnittet sänds 10 Oktober i USA.

Titel för avsnitt 8x10

Vi har nu titeln för avsnitt 8x10 vilken är "Don't Stop Believing"
Ni vet väl om att ni kan se alla titlar och läsa beskrivningarna för avsnitten för säsong 8, med bara ett klick från startsidan?
Klicka bara på länken Hitta info om alla avsnitt av säsong 8 så kommer ni dit. Den finns i menyn till höger.

5 saker vi vet & 5 saker vi vill vet om 8x01

Zap2it brukar ha en hel del roliga inlägg så även detta där de har listat 10 saker om säsongspremiären av Supernatural.
  • 5 saker som vi redan vet
  • 5 saker som vi vill veta, och förhoppningsvis får reda på i avsnittet.
OBS!! Spoiler kan förekomma i texten, så om ni INTE vill veta vad som kommer att hända i första avsnittet så kan ni helt enkelt hoppa över detta inlägg.
 Here we go, "Supernatural" fans! It's almost time for the Oct. 3 premiere of Season 8. (Remember when we were afraid Season 2 wouldn't get picked up? Oh, we were so young then.) Thanks to Twitter, we've learned that today (Thursday, Sept. 13) is actually the seventh anniversary of the "Supernatural" pilot episode premiere, so it's only fitting that today, The CW finally released photos from the upcoming episode, "We Need To Talk About Kevin."

Check out all the pics below. In the meantime, here are five things we do know about the premiere episode, though most of the details are, of course, being kept under wraps.

1. Dean returns from Purgatory with the devil on his back a vampire named Benny, played by Ty Olsson. The vampire helped Dean escape from Limbo, but not without a price. "That character doesn't just go away. [He] will stick around and of course cause problems," Jensen Ackles told us. "Because Dean is indebted to this character for his exit, it makes the situation very volatile. That's how the onion gets peeled back, through this crazy relationship with this new character."

2. Sam has been leading a normal life, complete with a dog and what Jeremy Carver refers to as an "emotionally honest" relationship with a veterinarian named Amelia (Liane Balaban). He drops everything when Dean returns, but returning to his life as a hunter on a mission to save the world proves more difficult than he expected.

3. Kevin (Osric Chau) is still in the picture, and still the only one who can understand the word of God. He's the only one who can help the Winchesters find the key to closing the Gates of Hell, which will forever banish demons from the earth. Which, you know, would make the Winchester Family Business a whole lot less awful.

4. The time apart didn't exactly hurt the Winchester brothers' relationship, but it did make it considerably more complicated, as they've now learned to survive without each other -- something they never did very well before. Of course, Dean also will be conflicted over the fact that Sam didn't spend that year trying to get him back. "Like, 'Why didn't you look? We have a tacit agreement that we always break our agreement not to look?'" says executive producer Ben Edlund. "I think that too, it gets to a large philosophical issue that they need to grapple with, which is how do you live a life [when] all they've done is be at the service of a terrible crushing duty? Like, Sam actually took time out to see, again, what the world was. If you're a hero and you're losing your substance, you can't fight anymore. You don't know what you're fighting for. You're not connected with the prize in an intimate way."

5. Castiel is MIA. We'll see Misha Collins in flashbacks from Purgatory, but we won't see him in the present day in the first episode. "Where's the angel?" is an actual quote from the Season 8 premiere episode. We've confirmed that Collins is contracted to appear in at least 8 episodes this season, but there's no word yet as to whether they're all flashbacks to Purgatory, of which there will be many throughout the season.

And here are five things we want to know:

1. Why did Castiel look so sad in that shot of him crouching by the river? Sure, Purgatory doesn't look like a cakewalk, but if Dean manages to emerge with a smile on his face, it can't be that bad. (Just kidding. It can.)

2. How quickly did Sam give up on looking for Dean? To hear them tell it at Comic-Con, it sounded like Sam checked under a few tables at Dick Roman's office, shrugged, and strode out of the building to find himself a girlfriend. Obviously, that wasn't the case, so how long did it take Sam to get over his brother's absence? What were his theories, since he didn't know about Purgatory?

3. Where was Crowley hiding Kevin for the entire year that Dean was away? Since Kevin and Crowley likely would've been Sam's only leads toward finding Dean -- assuming that nothing in Bobby's or Rufus' library would work -- we know they've been missing in action. Wherever they were, they clearly had a barber, because Kevin's new haircut is so GQ. So what's the deal?

4. How does Bobby factor in? Jim Beaver was promoting Season 8 at this year's Comic-Con, so we know that he's got to play some part in the season -- Warner Bros. wouldn't just pay for his ticket to San Diego for no reason! His bones and his flask were burned, and we assumed we'd seen the last of his ghostly visage.

5. And most importantly... what did Sam name his dog? This is a serious matter.

Bilder från 8x01 “We Need To Talk About Kevin”

Äntligen fler bilder från 8x01 “We Need To Talk About Kevin” som ju sänds Onsdag 3 Oktober i USA.
Uppdaterat med 6 nya bilder!!
Vi hade ju som sagt var 1 bild innan nämligen denna som visade sig vara från just avsnitt 8x01:
Nu har vi fått 4 till Vi har fått 10 till:

Taggade än?

Beskrivning av 8x01 “We Need To Talk About Kevin”

Säsongspremiären av Supernatural säsong 8 kommer att handla om följande:
 SAM AND DEAN ARE REUNITED AFTER A YEAR APART — Dean (Jensen Ackles) re-emerges from Purgatory, but he isn’t alone.  He heads straight for Sam (Jared Padalecki), but the reunion isn’t exactly what he thought it would be.  Sam drops everything to join his brother, but leaving the life he had grown to enjoy turns out to be harder than he imagined.  Dean and Sam look for Kevin (guest star Osric Chau) who has managed to escape Crowley’s (guest star Mark Sheppard) grasp, but things come to a head quickly when Kevin tells them what it is that Crowley wants.
Avsnittet sänds 3 Oktober i USA.

Ändrad titel för 8x08 & titel för 8x09

Vi har fått en titel till 8x09 som är "Citizen Fang".
Avsnitt 8x08 har bytt titel och heter numera "Hunteri Heroici". 
Vad tror ni om dessa titlar och vad de handlar om. Några idéer?

Spoiler för avsnitt 8x07

Zap2it ger oss spoiler för avsnitt 8x07 - A little slice of Kevin.
En ny kvinnlig karaktär kommer att introduceras och avsnittet kommer att handla om en häxa.
"Supernatural": Women don't tend to stick around long on this show, so our ears perked up when a little birdie told us that we'll soon see a "major recurring female character." Naomi will debut in Episode 807, "A Little Slice of Kevin.". She's very buttoned up and polished (and described as similar to Matt Damon's character in "The Good Shepherd"). All that poise and professionalism is just a farce, though -- she's got some serious issues. Oh, and FYI, that episode's mystery-of-the-week centers around a woman named Delta, who is a rocker who may have become a "witch-for-hire" when her band broke up.


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